The Dream Divine: Taking Your Dreams to God

LIVE teaching with Jessie Mejias via Zoom FOLLOWED BY an optional live dream interpretation






Are dreams just an interesting byproduct of our sleeping hours, or could God be speaking to us through them? What does the Bible have to say about dreams? How can we decipher the meaning of our dreams?

In the morning seminar, participants will learn principles of Christian dream interpretation and practical keys to understanding visions in the night.

In the optional afternoon session, 1-2 participants will have their own dream interpreted, allowing everyone to see the methods in use.

The instructor for both sessions will be prayer counselor Jessie Mejias.

Register for both sessions

The Dream Divine Seminar

Time: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm

Where: on Zoom

Format: Live teaching with student interaction

Seminar Topics Include:

  • Defining Dreams and Visions
  • Rebuilding Our Regard for Dreams
  • Types and Purposes of Dreams
  • Approaches to Symbols
  • Basic Dream Language
  • Responding to Dreams
  • Interpretation Pitfalls

Cost:  $50

Instructor: Jessie Mejias

Register for the Seminar

Live Dream Interpretation

Time: 1:30 am to 3:30 pm

Where: on Zoom

Format: Jessie will use one or two dreams from participants to demonstrate hands-on dream interpretation using the methods taught in the seminar.

Cost:  $25

Register for the Interpretation